An ADO17 Landcrab front Hydrolastic unit, rehosed and on test in our test rig at 300psi fluid pressure, the rubber spring is fully distended and the pressure is more than it would be in the “full bump” position on the car, it will be held at this pressure for an hour and then checked for the minutest of leaks. When we rehose a unit there is no hexagonal adaptor screwed into the unit as is often done when units are rehosed on a “DIY basis”. The hose ferrule goes straight to the unit so maximum flexibility of the hose is maintained. The unit has been bare metalled and if it passes the test it will be primed and painted on our specially designed jig for even and complete paint coverage. All our rehosed units are guaranteed for 2 years but it is quite possible that they could last another half a century. Hydragas and Hydrolastic Service Ltd – the quality is in the detail